18 April 2015

01 Regular service resumed (17 April 2015)

Hello world!

Well I thought it's time to get onto the blogosphere again. I've had my F-call (VK1FJAW) since 2010 but have not done much with it since then. But as we know, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy..so enough of that.

I was introduced to the hobby by Andrew VK1DA/VK2UH whose name you'll find next to "avuncular" in the dictionary (my new word for the day). Andrew has fielded my million questions without batting an eyelid, taken me on field trips and shown me the ropes. So here is a big shout out to Andrew, all-round great bloke and radio guru - thank you mate!

Here is a link to Andrew's blog, vk1da.net/blog and a link to his radio FAQ at VKFAQ.

Andrew VK1DA's Ham Shack on Mt. Ginini during the John Moyle Memorial Field Day, 2012.
(Antennas still going up.)

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