18 April 2015

03 SOTA Activation: Tuggeranong Hill VK1/AC-038 (17 April 2015)

Tuggeranong Hill VK1/AC-038

On 25 March I activated Tuggeranong Hill with Andrew VK1DA/VK2UH. This was my first SOTA activation and I bagged a bunch of contacts, thanks to Andrew's foresight to post a SOTAWATCH Alert and Spot.

View to the North from Tuggeranong Hill

View to the South from Tuggeranong Hill

How to Get There

Tuggeranong Hill is real easy to get to. We parked in the public parking spot just off
Callister Crescent in Theodore and hiked up the hill. It was a pretty relaxed climb and we took our time, arriving at the top after about 45 minutes of relaxed walking. There were a few hairy spots when we walked back down: pretty steep inclines covered with loose gravel.

Tuggeranong Hill

Special Permissions or Arrangements

None required. Public parking and nature reserve.

Summit Information

Tuggeranong Hill’s summit is 855 meters above mean sea level and it is worth 1 SOTA activation point. Its Maidenhead locator is QF44nn. When you get to the top, carry on past the antenna building to the Trig Point - a convenient spot to attach the squid pole with bungee cords. There were quite a few dog walkers in the 90 minutes or so that we were on the summit. There is also a footpath running in a North/South direction, passing next to the Trig Point.


Useful Links

SOTAWATCH Summit Information: http://www.sotawatch.org/summits.php?summit=VK1/AC-038

How did I embed this Excel Sheet?

This is more for my future self (in case I forget) but I thought this was pretty neat:
  1. Go to office.live.com and create new blank workbook.
  2. Enter the tabular data inside the office live Excel sheet and then choose File -> Share -> Embed -> Generate HTML. Credit to the guys from labnol.org.

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